The Interstate Finance Corporation/Morris Plan Company/Credit Thrift Financial/ American General
Corporation Database includes history of these companies. Interstate began in Evansville, Indiana in
1920 in a small office. It grew to have offices in almost all the fifty states. This data base includes
company magazines and brochures from the 20’s, when Interstate began. Then information about
Morris Plan Company, which began as a loan company, within Interstate. Following the company, we
see Credit Thrift Financial entering the scene and finally American General Corporation. This site
includes some of the obituaries and biographies of the Evansville men who began the business and
worked to grow it to become such a large and successful financial loan company. It includes events such
as Interstate’s 50 th Anniversary and the buildings in the downtown area of Evansville. This data base was
put together by Sophie Bernadac, the great-great granddaughter, of Roy E. DeWitt, the first treasurer of
the Interstate Finance Company who worked for the company from 1922 until 1970. Sophie is also the
great granddaughter of Charles Browning who began this Browning genealogy database.